It's been six months since I last blogged, I think by June last year I was starting to find walking difficult and sleeping even harder so I had a little less to write about and no motivation to do so. However I'm pleased to say that now I can walk again, although I have a little bundle to carry around with me. Lovernios Aelfric Legard was born on October 17th last year, he has the exploring bug already and we took the opportunity this winter to take him on various ecclesiastical adventures to try and upstage nativity scenes around Yorkshire. Ripon Cathedral was somewhere we'd been meaning to take a closer look at every since we watched the rather wonderful series on the English Church on channel 4. The first episode mentions the Saxon crypt, which has been in use since 672. We were also quite taken by the choir, which has a host of angels carved above us.
Where Do Mosses Live
6 months ago